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New posts in asp.net-2.0

Users being forced to re-login randomly, before session and auth ticket timeout values are reached

Testing a Container.DataItem with inline code

What's the performance difference between HttpModule and Global.aspx?

How to implement an "Auto Save" or "Save Draft" feature in ASP.NET?

Caching a user control in ASP.NET?

Static methods in a class - okay in this situation?

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JavaScript file not reloading in browser when modified on server

How to convert a datareader to datatable

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Why is @MasterType directive not implied when setting @Page masterPageFIle?

How do I get the dimensions of a mp4 video file?

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Setting selected item in a ListBox without looping

c# listbox asp.net-2.0

Compile Error CS0433 on pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site

IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET - Could not write to output file ... The directory name is invalid

Text box with drop down suggestions

Is there any native way in ASP.NET to do a "success message"?

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Using ASP.NET Forms Authentication, how do I get an image to appear on the login screen?

Validation of viewstate MAC failed when on page for 20+ minutes

jQuery DataTables server side processing and ASP.Net

Excel dll for Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Asynchronous pages in the ASP.NET framework - where are the other threads and how is it reattached?