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What are the advantages of using an autoencoder to build a set of filters versus a prebuilt set of gabor filters in relation to CNNs?

Detecting circles and shots from paper target

SVM - Difference between Energy vs Loss vs Regularization vs Cost function

Tensorflow Type Error: Value passed to parameter 'shape' has DataType float32 not in list of allowed values: int32, int64

Is it possible to certify an AI-based solution for safety-critical systems? [closed]

Apple Vision – Barcode Detection doesn't work for barcodes with different colours

Software for Classical Music Theory / Composition / Harmony and Counterpoint [closed]

chess AI for GAE

blindly classifying new trends in incoming data

How could you give a computer a "natural need"?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of having multiple output nodes compared to a few within a neural network

Monte Carlo with UCB applied to complex card game

Iterative deepening in common lisp

Eight Queens Heuristic

How to calculate the threshold value for numeric attributes in Quinlan's C4.5 algorithm?

Gaussian-RBM fails on a trivial example

Suboptimal solution given by A* search

How can I define a heuristic function for water jug?

When to use a certain Reinforcement Learning algorithm?

Chess Optimizations