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New posts in appstore-approval

App Rejected by App Store

iOS app rejected due to IDFA in Facebook SDK

App Store Expedited Review has been accepted and i rejected/resubmitted binary [closed]

What kind of downloaded code violates App Store Review Guideline?

Can't click "Ready to Upload Binary" due to IDFA

Update iOS App Store What’s New while in review?

iPhone app rejected due to battery usage and heat

ios appstore-approval

Which ip addresses does apple use for testing iPhone applications? [closed]

How does Apple detect UDID access during App review?

Donation options in an app - Are any of these allowed?

What's the meaning of "App must be built for iOS devices with Retina display"

Apple guidelines 14.3, "ability to block abusive users " [closed]

ios appstore-approval

PLA 2.3 Appstore Metadata Rejected

ios appstore-approval

How to ask the Apple Review team to review an app more quickly than usual?

How to customize UIAlertView? Will Apple approve it?

Is usage of "lipo" command recommended by Apple?

iOS Non-consumable IAP with custom user accounts management - multiple purchases

Submitting iOS App to App Store for Review Without Pushing Server Updates to Production

iPhone app rejection for using ICU (Unicode extensions)

Application rejected because of not following iOS Data Storage Guidelines