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Call a Python script from a Applescript

python macos shell applescript

How can I execute a simple Applescript from a C++ program?

Mac - List opened windows in terminal

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Using AXIdentifier in UI Scripting for Applescript

How to change directory with spaces in applescript terminal?

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can't understand a error that happen when assigning variable in applescript


Calling Shell Script with JavaScript for Automation

single quote escaping in applescript/shell

How to build & run Xcode with Applescript?

xcode applescript

How do I get the Scripts folder in the application bundle?


Getting today's events from iCal with Applescript

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How can I launch an Automator application using AppleScript?


Is OSX Lion Preview application scriptable? [closed]

How do I get the paragraph number of the currently selected paragraph in Microsoft Word into an AppleScript variable?

vba applescript ms-word

How do you open a terminal with a specific path already cd'ed to?

macos terminal applescript

Applescript to launch file from current folder?


How do I determine if a user has a password set on Mac?

Applescript for Outlook - mark messages as read

macos outlook applescript

How do I create a list of records in applescript

applescript hashtable

Using Python in Place of AppleScript

python macos applescript