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How do I get the Scripts folder in the application bundle?



I'm really new to AppleScript so this is a real basic question but I couldn't find the answer or an example in the AppleScript ref. guide.

I'm making a simple script that I'll bundle as an application file, in the AppleScript Editor I can see the app's Bundle Contents in which I have an icon, a description file and a Scripts folder. How do I access that content from the script and how do I access the scripts inside the scripts folder?

like image 703
just_a_dude Avatar asked Apr 10 '10 11:04


1 Answers

If you save your script as a script bundle or as an application bundle you can use the path to resource command, e.g.:

path to resource "description.rtfd"

Also see Commands Reference.

like image 188
sakra Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10
