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New posts in apache-zookeeper

zookeeper not starting


Kafka 1.0 stops with FATAL SHUTDOWN error. Logs directory failed

Zookeeper vs In-memory-data-grid vs Redis

Zookeeper: java.io.IOException: No snapshot found, but there are log entries. Something is broken

ZooKeeper reliability - three versus five nodes

Why does zookeeper not use my log4j.properties file log directory

where should I put docker-compose.yml

Whats the difference between Paxos and W+R>=N in Cassandra?

Bootstrap server vs zookeeper in kafka?

How to get data from old offset point in Kafka?

Zookeeper connection error


removing a kafka consumer group in zookeeper

Offsets stored in Zookeeper or Kafka?

Why do we need ZooKeeper in the Hadoop stack?

What is the role of Zookeeper vs Eureka for microservices?

Why do Kafka consumers connect to zookeeper, and producers get metadata from brokers?

zookeeper is not a recognized option when executing kafka-console-consumer.sh

How to create a Topic in Kafka through Java

Is it possible to start a zookeeper server instance in process, say for unit tests?

classpath is empty. please build the project first