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Which Scala version does Spark 2.4.3 uses?


having Spark process partitions concurrently, using a single dev/test machine

scala apache-spark

Provider org.apache.spark.sql.avro.AvroFileFormat could not be instantiated

spark delta overwrite a specific partition

apache-spark delta-lake

How to create date from year, month and day in PySpark?

Scala with spark - "javax.servlet.ServletRegistration"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

sql scala apache-spark

How to work with Apache Spark using Intellij Idea?

Hive tables not found when running in YARN-Cluster mode

Pyspark RDD collect first 163 Rows

install spark packages in toree

spark collect as Array[T] and not as Array[Row] from data frame

Adding dataframes to List in Spark

Why does from_json fail with "not found : value from_json"?

How to create TimestampType column in spark from string

scala apache-spark

Why can't I import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

java apache-spark

subtract two columns with null in spark dataframe

Spark scala Casting Unix time to timestamp fails

scala apache-spark

Spark tasks stuck at RUNNING


How do I run pyspark with jupyter notebook?

Spark 2.3.0 Failed to find data source: kafka