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New posts in ansible

How does --inventory option in Ansible work when it is given value with a trailing comma?

syntax ansible

Run a shell command inside a running Docker container using Ansible

Ansible : Using regular expression in the module "copy"

Creating a dynamic role in ansible

ansible yaml ansible-role

Print out contents of a file using ansible

Aws passing credentials to ansible s3 module

Using Ansible docker_service module to deploy service to swarm

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Substituting variables in Ansible playbook for EC2 security group rules

Run Ansible-Playbook on localhost on Windows

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Ansible include_vars into dictionary

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Ansible user-interactive module while running shell script


How to generate a keypair and then ssh into aws instance all via ansible to run commands on that instance

Does ansible transfer files securely?

Is there any way to get the logs/ output of a job using Ansible Tower Rest API

Disable systemd service only if the package is installed


Ansible run always role

Ansible backup file name

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How to write an Ansible role task that only runs when any of the previous other tasks in the task file have been changed?

ansible ansible-role

Is it possible to flatten a lists of lists with Ansible / Jinja2?

Loop through hosts with ansible [duplicate]
