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New posts in anonymous-class

Can anybody explain the working of following code...?

How to anonymous classes in TypeScript

anonymous class as generic parameter

Programming convention on Anonymous Class vs Implementing Interface

Java anonymous classes and Garbage Collector

Why do anonymous classes capture "this" even if they don't need to?

java anonymous-class

What's the best way to get a return value out of an asyncExec in Eclipse?

Anonymous extending a class and implementing an interface at the same time?

java anonymous-class

Why should I use anonymous classes in Android instead of class redefinition?

Is it possible to give a definition of a class in C++ during allocation, as is allowed in java

c++ anonymous-class

Lambda expression and equivalent anonymous class

java lambda anonymous-class

Is it possible to create an anonymous class while using reflection?

Serializing anonymous classes with Gson

java gson anonymous-class

C# equivalent of creating anonymous class that implements an interface

Java: where should I put anonymous listener logic code?

What is the access modifier of an anonymous class's constructor?

How to detect an instance of an anonymous class?

How to use member variables with Interfaces and anonymous implementations

Private variables/methods in anonymous class?

What does that Java construct do?

java anonymous-class