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Locale in Routing, Default Language also without Parameter

annotations symfony

Inject date using @Value annotation

getting error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/cfg/Mappings" in a simple maven hibernate project

Is there any way to create form with multiple submit buttons on Spring MVC using annotations?

Django annotate and values(): extra field in 'group by' causes unexpected results

JPA Annotations for many-to-many relation between objects of the same entity

Cannot find Entity Framework 4 annotations

Remove @Override annotation error in Java8

MapView Annotation not dragging

iphone annotations mapkit

How to get the field annotated with @Id in EJB3 (JPA) and Hibernate?

Javax Validation Implementation

java validation annotations

SpringMvc - javax.validation.ValidationException

Embedded Jetty does not find Annotated Servlet

MVC Annotation Spring MVC <mvc:annotation-driven />

Is there a way to declare two spring beans instance from the same class with annotation only?

java spring annotations

Annotation-specified bean name conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean definition

java spring annotations

How to install an action filter in all actions in ASP.NET MVC?

Must I remove the @Override annotation?

java annotations

Validation of a date with Hibernate

Scala tailrec annotation error