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New posts in annotations

Symfony routing - locale as subdomain with fallback to default

How can I define one Java annotation in terms of another?

How to avoid truncating zero leading numbers when inserted with Spring's @Value annotation?

Saving Annotorius annotation data from Image Slider to mySQL via php

Annotation Processor, Getting Modifiers of Method Parameters

Generate compiler warning with user defined annotation

Internal working of Springs's @RequestParam annotation

JavaEE 6: @EJB(beanInterface="")

For the spring autodetection, what's the difference between component and service?

spring annotations

Getter and @Nonnull

Spring custom annotation: how to inherit attributes?

Why java annotation attributes have restrictions?

java reflection annotations

Using an Annotation Processor to create a list of classes with a certain annotation

Swagger example post body - how to show JSON Body- Swagger-annotations

Java Annotations - Is there any helper library to read/process annotations?

java annotations

Spring 3 Annotated Configuration Picks up @Configuration and @Component but not @Controller

Should we use _In_ instead of __in?

Using AndroidAnnotations with Scala and Gradle

How to match methods which do not have a specific Annotation in AspectJ

Clojure deftype calling function in the same namespace throws "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn:"

clojure annotations interop