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New posts in angularjs-scope

Accessing parent scope in directive when using controllerAs

How to Watch Directive's Directive ng-model

TypeError: undefined is not a function in Angular Resource

Receiving broadcasts and calling controller functions from isolated scope/directive in AngularJS?

Getting data from a web service with Angular.js

$rootScope as event aggregator

Problems parsing a JSON response using AngularJS

Angular.js: directive object in scope is always undefined

Delete item from data-bound JSON list using AngularJs

angularjs angularjs-scope

How to pass an object using $rootScope?

AngularJS : how to refresh object without data loss?

Call AngularJs controller method from another Service

Can I avoid the object variable name in ng-repeat loop?

How get AngularJS element by name?

Compare ways of causing digest

When sharing on facebook, showing angular brackets instead of content

angularjs angularjs-scope

Update AngularJS scope from 3rd party library aynchronous callback

Angular Directive mouseenter/mouseleave working but not setting to initial state after mouseleave