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New posts in angular2-components

Iterate through multiple @ViewChild instances of the same component angular2

connecting a custom form control to its parent form validation in angular 2

adding directive to a angular 2 component

Angular 4: Dynamic template with interpolation

Angular2 get activated route parameters and parent parameters

Make @HostBinding and @HostListener conditional in a Directive or Component for Angular2

Angular 4 Component ngOnInit not called on each route request

Component transclude with inline template

angular 2 model driven nested form components

Communicate between sibling components Angular 2

How to use Angular 2's FormBuilder between multiple components

How "safe" are Angular 2 custom html tags? (selectors: Custom tags vs. Custom attributes)

How to make components in Angular 2 singleton?

Can output events be fired for dynamically created components

Using variable in conditional implementation of ngClass

Angular 2 dynamically set routerLink using a component property

Angular2 check if object has peoperty inside *ngIf

viewchild input property not updated when needed angular 2

How to pass an expression to a component as an input in Angular2?