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How to debug angular 2 aot failures

angular angular2-aot

ionic cordova build android failed due to AOT

How can I disable AOT in angular2?

Angular + AOT + Webpack + NgTools - Issue Generating ngFactory

Angular2 CLI: why bundle size of "--prod" smaller than "--prod --aot"?

issue on angular production build on angular 9 migrate

What is AoT(or Ahead-of-Time Compilation) in Angular2?

angular angular2-aot

Is Babel being used as compiler (AOT or JIT) in angular 5

Angular AOT: ERROR in ng component html file : Expected 0 arguments, but got 1

Angular2 AOT with Lazy loading Can't resolve [path to lazy module].ngfactory.ts

Dynamic module/service configuration and AOT

angular angular2-aot

Angular 2 Bootstrapping Options - AOT vs JIT

When using AOT, changes to objects passed to forRoot are discarded when injected

Angular2, AoT compilation: Cannot determine the module for component AppComponent

AOT & Roll-Up: Only bundles main.js and nothing else

Angular2 - Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target

angular angular2-aot

ERROR in Error during template compile of 'AppModule'

angular ngrx angular2-aot

Angular2 : Dynamic component creation : AOT Compilation

Function calls are not supported in decorators while ng build --prod (AOT)