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ERROR in Error during template compile of 'AppModule'

Trying to build an Angular 6 app. I am getting the following error when using --prod

ERROR in Error during template compile of 'AppModule'
  Expression form not supported in 'reducers'
    'reducers' contains the error at app/app.module.ts(48,3).


      import AuthEffects from './store/auth/auth.effects';
        import ContentEffects from './store/content/content.effects';
        import NavigationEffects from './store/navigation/navigation.effects';
        import ConfigEffects from './store/config/config.effects';
        import { ICommonAppState } from './app.state';
        import { reducer as authReducer, key as authKey } from './store/auth';
        import { reducer as configReducer, key as configKey } from './store/config';
        import { reducer as contentReducer, key as contentKey } from './store/content';
        import { reducer as navigationReducer, key as navigationKey } from './store/navigation';
        import { PageContainerComponent } from './page-container/page-container.component';
        import { BenefitsComponent } from './+benefits/benefits.component';
        import { NavigationComponent } from './navigation/navigation.component';
        const enhancers = [];
        if (!environment.production) {
          enhancers.push(StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument({ maxAge: 10 }));
        export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<ICommonAppState> = {
          [authKey]: authReducer,
          [configKey]: configReducer,
          [navigationKey]: navigationReducer,
          [contentKey]: contentReducer,
        const effects = [AuthEffects, ConfigEffects, NavigationEffects, ContentEffects];
          declarations: [AppComponent, NavigationComponent, PageContainerComponent, BenefitsComponent],
          imports: [
          providers: [
            { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/content-manager/' },
            { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: TokenInterceptor, multi: true },
          bootstrap: [AppComponent],
        export class AppModule {}

Line 48, where the error is being reported, appears to be

    export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<ICommonAppState> = {
      [authKey]: authReducer,
      [configKey]: configReducer,
      [navigationKey]: navigationReducer,
      [contentKey]: contentReducer,

I am using Angular 6 with NgRX 6. I cannot understand why this is not working. I have followed the docs and my application builds just fine if I do not use the prod flag. However the build is bloated and slow, I would prefer an AOT build.

like image 463
Harry Blue Avatar asked Jun 26 '18 07:06

Harry Blue

3 Answers

I also faced the same error, and in my case, it was just a typo in my module. I had one comma "," in the module's provider's array. Try to remove the comma after contentReducer from your code.

like image 90
Learning Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


Had the same problem... try to use an injection token to provide the ActionReducerMap.

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<ICommonAppState> = {
    [authKey]: authReducer,
    [configKey]: configReducer,
    [navigationKey]: navigationReducer,
    [contentKey]: contentReducer,
export const REDUCERS_TOKEN = new InjectionToken<ActionReducerMap<ICommonAppState>>('App Reducers');
export const reducerProvider = { provide: REDUCERS_TOKEN, useValue: reducers };

and then use it like this

  imports: [
      StoreModule.forRoot(REDUCERS_TOKEN, { metaReducers }),
  providers: [reducerProvider]

And the AOT compiler should then hopefully be able to analyze the code statically (without excecuting it).

like image 41
dav1d Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09


or just change " [authKey]: authReducer," to 'auth': authReducer,

like image 30
Nigel Legall Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

Nigel Legall