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angular ui bootstrap: promise resolved/rejected when modal closed

Is there an any method ordering when $q.all has multiple http call functions in Angularjs?

Angular Wait for boolean function to finish

Conditional Chaining of $http-calls with Promises in AngularJS

Need to resolve a $http request before the execution of the resolve property inside $stateProvider

$q.all and nested promises

angularjs q angular-promise

Angular conditional promises

How to make a WAR file from angular 2 (angular-cli) project?

Optional first promise in Angular chain

angularjs angular-promise

How to return single promise after for loop (which produces a promise on every iteration) is complete?

Waiting for $rootScope value to resolve in Angular before page load

$http promise chain running in wrong order

Angular logs error to console before raising promise.catch

How to wait for a function to finish its execution in angular 2.?

Angular $q.reject().success(), does that make sense?

Can I use AngularJS's $q outside an Angular component?

What is the difference between $http and $q?

Why are Callbacks from Promise `.then` Methods an Anti-Pattern

AngularJS promise is not resolved multiple times using $interval

angularjs angular-promise

AngularJS Array of Promises

angularjs angular-promise