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New posts in angular-directive

which performance are better? ngx-translate Directive or Pipe?

How to exclude a special case from a directive behavior?

Creating duration inputs (mm:ss:ms) in an AngularJS directive

disabling button while ajax request

AngularJS directive within ng-if won't run

Why is "this" null, in the link function within an Angular Directive?

Angular - How to access and replace innerHTML from a directive

angular angular-directive

Reevaluate filter on timer in AngularJS

AngularJS - Multiple Directive Instances making XHR call multiple times

Directive binding not working in a spec file

Is it possible to use angular directive as html tag?

Can a structural directive refer to a child component using @ContentChild?

ngIf on input value

How can I augment a directive's link function with angular's decorator pattern?

Consolidating Two Directives into a Single One

NgSwitch - behaves unexpected , `No provider for NgSwitch` - exception getting

Angularjs form validation order

How can I make a structural directive to wrap part of my DOM?

Angular 4 call directive method from component

Angular `<router-outlet>` displays template twice

angular angular-directive