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Vertical lines on hover in google charts

How to install Chart.js and angular-chart.js (Error: Chart.js library needs to be included)

how to set title in legend of chart.js?

NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken NGX_ECHARTS_CONFIG

Angular chart.js showing error chart is not defined

angular-charts not working with requirejs

How to have solid colored bars in angular-chart bar chart

angular-chartjs line chart TypeError: t.merge is not a function

angular-chart.js bar chart with 100% opacity color

Angular-chart.js - Make line chart does not curve

How to make a custom legend in angular-chart.js Pie Chart

angularjs angular-chart

Changing width and height in angular-chart.js module

Different color for each column in angular-chartjs bar chart

Angular Primeng: ERROR ReferenceError: Chart is not defined at UIChart.initChart (chart.js:53)

Unable to parse color in line chart (angular-chart.js)

Render a legend on angular-chart.js doughnut chart

angularjs angular-chart