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New posts in android-ui

creating persistent search bar in android

How to Customize AppCompat Material Button Style?

Creating views inside a worker thread

java.lang.IllegalStateException: ScrollView can host only one direct child [duplicate]

How to increase space between text and it's underline in TextView Android?

Can Android WebView HTML influence keyboard or keyboard features?

Reverse the direction of a LinearLayout

setMinDate(...) for DatePicker doesn't work when invoked a second time

android date time android-ui

How to make Android 4.0 apps backwards compatible?

Find out if ActionBar is stacked

Android View.onDraw() always has a clean Canvas

Android - is there a callback that gets called right after onResume()?

android android-ui

How can I set a shadow in each cell of a ListView?

android xml android-ui

Is there a simpler/better way to put a border/outline around my TextView?

remove border, padding from Dialog

Animation not starting until UI updates or touch event

Setting webview background image to a resource graphic in Android

How to selectively decorate RecyclerView items

Change ActionBarSherlock background color

Detect soft navigation bar availability in android device progmatically?