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New posts in android-tabhost

How to center text in tabhost?

Looking for a universal TabHost style that will work on Android, HTC Sense, Samsung, etc. skins

Android TabHost inside Fragment

Whats is the difference between actionbar and tabhost/tabactivity

Tab icon not showing

Tab Layout tutorial incomplete?

Issues with Android TabHost Example

android android-tabhost

Your content must have a TabHost whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.tabhost'

Android: TabActivity deprecated, use Fragments?

How to get the content of a Tab within a TabHost?

TabHost with Activities vs. ActionBar with Fragments

TabHost - how to change tab text in XML

android android-tabhost

Starting an AnimationDrawable in Android

Drawing number badge like iPhone in Android

android android-tabhost

ViewPager inside Fragment loses content when returning to it

Update tabs from a tab's activity in a Android TabHost

Get index of selected tab in tabHost

Tab with icon using TabLayout in Android Design Library

Android: TabHost - passing Parameters to Fragments

StateListDrawable to switch colorfilters