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New posts in android-studio-2.0

Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.8 Error

Time taken on first run with AS 2.0 and gradle 2.0

How to stop debug without closing app in Android Studio 2

Build local gradle app on remote server in Android Studio

Incompatible Bitbucket plugin 1.2.1 for Android Studio 2.0/2.1/3.0+

Android Studio 2.0 launch APK on another device

Some file crunching failed, see logs for details

Starting an app with android studio 'instant run' is very slow

How to modify a List value while debugging in IntelliJ

An OAuth2 client already exists for this package name and SHA-1 in another project [duplicate]

Gradle build error cannot resolve io.fabric

Why is AppTheme.NoActionBar not working?

Android studio 2.0 gradle transformClassesWithDexForDebug fails when using button "run"

gradle android-studio-2.0

Getting "EnclosingMethod" errors on building in Android Studio 2

Error while Installing restart patches when launching android app with Android Studio 2.0

RecyclerView.onBindViewHolder called only once

Not able to debug app on android device - Android Studio 2.0

When adding Facebook SDK " appeventslogger.activateapp(this)" is shown deprecated

Gradle build: Execution failed for task ':app:lint'

Could not find method android() for arguments