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Not able to debug app on android device - Android Studio 2.0

I am not able to debug an app on my device (Asus Zenphone 2) after I updated android studio to 2.0. I keep seeing below message in debug tab right after I click on debug icon in Android studio.

Message in debug tab in Android Studio UI

--------------------------------------------------------------- Waiting for application to come online: packagename Waiting for application to come online: packagename Waiting for application to come online: packagename Waiting for application to come online: packagename 

I keep seeing Alert Dialog with the title "Waiting for Debugger" and Force close button all the time.

I searched but it seems only two results from google for that message.

I restarted Android studio, checked developer settings on phone...

Have anyone faced with this issue. Please help me. I cannot run the emulator, because my mac will be too lag. Thank you in advance.

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t4nhpt Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 16:04


People also ask

How do I enable debug on ADB?

Under Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack > Settings > Advanced settings > Developer settings, you'll see an option called Enable node tree debugging.

1 Answers

The problem is that after installing and starting to launch the app, that debugger client that AndroidStudio starts is unable to connect to the debugger server on the device. This can have many causes, see this answer and the other answer shown on this page and see if one solves the problem for you

To help figure out the problem, look at the 'Console' tab of the 'Debugger' window in AS. One of the first few lines should look like this:

$ adb shell am start -n "com.acme.audtest/com.acme.AudTest" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -D

Cut and paste that line into a command prompt, REMOVE THE '-D', and execute it. It your app ('AudTest') comes up without error, the problem is in AS, is communication to the device, or the configuration of the device. If the app doesn't start, it is in the .apk. (Not the complete solution, but starts to point you in the right direction -- for which of the solutions below applies to your situation.)


First I select the second option, and it worked fine. But then don't know why I change to select first option. So, the debugger shows the message Waiting for application to come online forever. And I did not notice that, just thought another app prevent me debug or that was an issue with Android Studio 2.0.

So, just check to second option will solve my issue. Thank all.

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t4nhpt Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10
