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How to concatenate string in room dao query?

Room with Multi user Database in Single android App

Android Room On delete Cascade doesn't work

Room Database distinct value

Room using the @Relation annotation - one to many relationship where clause child relationship

Unresolved reference: TestCoroutineDispatcher

Calling 'insert' in a room database does not complete the transaction

android kotlin android-room

android - Room how to add foreign key reference to data migration

How can I know @Insert of Room is completed?

Android Room change type of column with Migration

android android-room

How to save images to Room Persistence Library

Android Room Database error: Unused parameter: days in @Query function

How to fetch the last record of a table using room data base

android android-room

How to get value of LiveData from repository that don't access to lifeCycleOwner for observing it?

Emit each item from Flowable Room ORM

Kotlin + Room : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: void cannot be converted to an Element

Query method parameters should either be a type that can be converted into a database column or a List / Array that contains such type

Kotlin's data class, Android Room and custom setter

android kotlin android-room

Android: Linking and syncing Room database to online server database