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New posts in android-productflavors

changing resValue in variant

Android studio 3.0 build variants does not match flavors

Android build variants on travis.ci

Error: No flavor is associated with flavor dimension 'xxx'

Create separate apk for separate flavor in android

Android Gradle product Flavors with Parse Push Notifications

How can I use different proguard files in different flavors or for different build types?

Flutter: add flavors configuration into Visual Studio

Android Studio: How to generate multiple APKs or signed APKs for all productFlavors at once for a selected buildType?

java.lang.LinkageError: MainActivity

Fail to import android support v4 or v7 in library using productFlavors

Android, Gradle, product flavors and the manifest

Error Redeclaration class configuring Android build variants

Equivalent to product flavors in non-Android Gradle?

NDK support with different Product Flavour