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New posts in android-ndk

What is SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue (Android 4.3)?

Error: Activity class {} does not exist

android android-ndk

Redirecting STDIN and STDOUT of C program in Android

GC and onTouch cause Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) error in app using ffmpeg through ndk

Passing cv:Mat from android to jni

Including *.so libraries Android Studio tess-two (tesseract)

What's rule does Android system load native library(so file) from armeabi,armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a?

android android-ndk

Why can't my Android app (has root privilege) access /dev/input?

How to switch between gcc and clang in Android NDK Revision 11?

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java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in jsqlite.Database.internal_init in Android Spatialite

TensorFlow retrained inception v3 model crashes on Android

How to access $(TARGET_ARCH) from C++ file?

android c++ android-ndk

How to create HashMap<String, String> through JNI then parse to java

C matrix libraries, suited for opengl on Android (NDK)

android-ndk opengl-es-2.0

Removing C-style casts in C++ code under Android

Need a simple Linux C++ IDE (Android NDK) [closed]

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android ndk data save/load

Using libvlc on android with NDK

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how to build / compile ndk application?

android android-ndk

Debug vs. Release builds in the Android NDK