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New posts in android-intent

Customize Android App Screen Image which is visible in switch between Apps screen

Android: captured image not showing up in gallery (Media Scanner intent not working)

Volley, How many times the onResponse in ImageLoader.ImageListener called

Setting the maximum number of items to be returned by an intent

How i can get Uri from intent?

Launching an App from a URL

Open map to show direction from current location through intent-Android

How to open or expand status bar through intent?

How to use intent to launch Add Contact activity?

Intent with setType("message/rfc822") for Android API Level before 2.3.3

How to receive Intent. ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED Intent. ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED in appwidget?

Is there any way to query an specific type of Intent Filter capable apps?

android android-intent

In Android how do you register to receive headset plug broadcasts?

Widget on click intent extras not seen

Android - Open an external app and then call an intent URI

android android-intent

Is there any difference between Activityname.this() & this?

Detecting the target application when sending an Intent

android android-intent

Android Share via Intent Text not Shown in Facebook

android android-intent

Start an Activity from a Dialog Fragment

Unknown Intent Flag on Launcher Activity

android android-intent