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New posts in android-intent

what is the difference between intent extra and intent data?

java android android-intent

How to restart / refresh contents of activity on notification click

Launching activity from shortcut always launches main activity also

Get filepath from google drive in Lollipop (MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA == null)

Chrome Custom Tabs - Intent not being triggered (Android)

How to get fileName from uri?

Android Inbuild(ActionImageCapture) intent returns null intent .Cannot deliver result {who= null}

android - is it possible to use private intents instead of global ones?

Broadcast receiver onReceive() never called

Android Fetch installed and default browser in device

Intent for contacts with phone number

Sharing Content On FaceBook Android

How can I update the Android Gallery after a photo?

Nested set activity for result android

android android-intent

How to place 2 buttons at the same position in my layout

Zbar with Android : Scanner camera viewport remain inactive and black after showing the url in browser

Is it possible to hide some application in Intent AppChooser?

android android-intent

Android kill all other activities on starting a new one

Android Intent to launch Google+ app at Google+ Community screen

Intent anchor syntax description

android android-intent