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New posts in android-intent

How can I play MP4 video through a direct link in Android video player?

can not find all bluetooth devices android

Do I need to save the Intent object in onSaveInstanceState() for later use?

android android-intent

Is it possible to pass extra data with Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT

android android-intent

Android: Is there any intents to listen for CPU "sleep" and "wake Up" apart from screen on and off?

android android-intent

No image extension when sharing using an intent?

set button Visible in another acticty with Preferences setting

Android select PDF using Intent on API 18

android pdf android-intent

I cant pass too large arraylist of objects between 2 activities?

How does buying an app to enable paid features of another app work?

Update app from google play programmatically in android

Android EXTRA_MESSAGE not recognized inside Recycler View Adapter

java android android-intent

AlarmManager: PendingIntent gone after swiping app from recent apps on some devices

PHONE_CALL permission not working in Dexter

How to show splash screen when app is in background in Android?

Dialogflow, detection intent from audio

How to get more control over Android SAF UI (e.g ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT)?

Could not launch application by calling a URL from Android Browser

rjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException on startActivity(intent,bundle animantion)