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New posts in android-instant-apps

Upload failed You should use both http and https as schemes for your web intent-filters

Android Instant Apps - Can not "Run unverified software, run arbitrary native code". Only Instant Apps runtime

Android Instant apps not showing

Android Studio Preview 3.0 - Application installation failed when running instant app

how to load http url with instantApp webview?

Can Android Instant Apps be integrated with Hybrid app?

Link is not opened as instant app in some devices

Is there an Android build flag to check for APK versus Instant App version of an App

Digital Assets Link link to my website

Multi Feature Instant Apps can't be proguarded?

Applying the plugin 'kotlin-android' in an Instant App results in "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.android.build.gradleBasePlugin"

"Resource shrinker cannot be used for libraries.", Gradle 3.0.1+ [duplicate]

How to expose component from installed app to be visible to instant app?

Android Studio 3 difference between library module and feature module

Navigation component with instant/(dynamic-)feature modules

Google Play Console error - Non-upgradable to installed app

Why use the new Android feature plugin over the library plugin?