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New posts in android-gradle-plugin

Automatically attach sources during import

Different string resources for different flavor build types

Android Studio - Gradle generate specific javadoc files

Android studio 2.0 Preview 8 with gradle plugin 2.0.0-alhpa8, memory warning despite heap size to 4Gb

0% code coverage on espresso tests with JaCoCo and Gradle

Android gradle androidDependencies command errors

Gradle build fail with java 1.8, build tool 2.2.0-alpha4, enable jackOptions

Why does "Offline work" make Gradle Build Running faster in Android Studio?

Does Android Studio support sub-flavors?

warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7 1 warning

React Native App Debug mode works fine, Release mode crashes (App Registry and evaluating 'a.View.propTypes.style')

Using useBuildCache in gradle and kapt

Android Studio: Where are Gradle build tasks defined?

Could not find lint-gradle-api.jar (com.android.tools.lint:lint-gradle-api:26.1.2)

How to detect Android Gradle dependencies that have newer versions available?

Generating APK with all dynamic features [duplicate]

How to deal with these deprecation warnings by Gradle v6.3?

Could not get https:////dl.bintray.com/lukaville/maven/com/nbsp/library/1.09

With two res directories per build variant, Gradle stopped tracking changes in resource files

How do I import dependencies after declaring them in build.gradle?