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New posts in android-gradle-plugin

What is the abiFilters property in a build.gradle file?

Could not find commons-codec.jar in Android Studio 3.0

How to fix "Program type already present: androidx.concurrent.futures.DirectExecutor"

Sharing android debug certificate across different developer machines in Android Studio

Set gradle temporary directory to SSD

Gradle Android Plugin: Hook into post-compile task for all product flavors

Is Icepick broken?

I can't build project in Android Studio on Ubuntu. Gradle running build takes infinity

Android Studio + Gradle: define resValue without translation, how can I do that?

Dynamically generating productFlavors and sourceSets using a list of names (with properties) in a CSV/TXT file

How to insert a new dependency into a Gradle project?

How to use final resolved applicationId in build.gradle

Use an aar library cause missing dependencies using api in Gradle 4.x

Failed to resolve: exifinterface

Android Gradle 1.0 Computing Version code in multi-flavor setup

Unable to build, nor clean a naked single activity project in a newly installed Android studio

Auto increment versioncode only on releases

Change debug/release manifest key dynamically for each flavor

Gradle error when using Google's latest API

I get only app-release-unaligned.apk when I press generate signed apk