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New posts in android-geofence

Monitoring Location Settings in a Library

android android-geofence

Geofencing API triggers enter event when already in zone

android android-geofence

Do Android Geofences remain active until removed/expired or only until my PendingIntent is launched

How to monitor geofences in background on Oreo?

How to make Geo Fencing alert more accurate in Android

Intent not received from Android Geofence event

Geofence with BroadcastReceiver is not always triggered

android android-geofence

Android Geofencing BroadcastReceiver not Triggered

Adding Geofence gives ApiException status 13

Geofences not working when app is killed

Android wear: geofence - ApiException: 1000

How to add background service in Geofence android

Android LocationServices.GeofencingApi example usage

How to implement "un-dwell" in android geofences?

Bug in Android Geofence Sample code? Can anyone please confirm?

Are Android geofences surviving a reboot?

Is geofencing completely unusable in Android?

Handling multiple geofences transition with common area

Android 11 users can’t grant background location permission?

Error adding geofences in Android (status code 1000)