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New posts in android-geofence

Geofences (Android sample app) java.lang.ClassNotFoundException MainActivity

Can I run Android GeoFencing entirely within a background service?

Android Geofencing sample app only works if another app is open using GPS

Android Geofence only works with opened app

Android Geofencing - No coming intents?

Geofence PendingIntent with extras

Couldn't connect to Google API client

GeoFence Device when app is in background

Android geofence with mock location provider

Android: Build Polygonal Shape Geofence

Not seeing Geofence Transitions in Google's tutorial on Geofencing

How does ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION introduced in Android Q affect Geofence APIs?

Android O Geofence Trigger Delay

Do I need to request location updates when using Fused location Geofences?

Android Geofencing