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New posts in android-edittext

scrollview can't scroll when focus textinput react native

Android detects instanceof EditText and instanceof TextView as the same

Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox

Validation in EditText allow IP or web Url host

Android - create TextView (or EditText) programmatically and set it in a specific place on the screen giving coordinates

Put TextView inside EditText

Android validate EditText inside an AlertDialog

Implementing floating inline labels (with EditText?)

KeyListener on EditText : Android

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Android: why i am not able to change the value of EditText with respect to another EditText?

Add Thousand Separators Automatically While Text Changes in Android EditText

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Android: Validation symbol in EditText

EditText box height issue android

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android android-edittext

How To Validate an EditText to handle numbers only in Android?

android android-edittext

A better way to OnClick for EditText fields?

Append text at beginning of edittext [duplicate]

EditText maximum characters limit exceeded callback

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Android RequestFocus() Ineffective

Android EditText background with line inside