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New posts in android-dialogfragment

How to display a DialogFragment from a Handler

Launching dialogfragments from another fragment:IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

Android full screen dialog appears transparent and in the wrong position

Styling text on a DialogFragment

DialogFragment - Get width of dialog

Custom Support Dialog Fragment text is the wrong color

getActivity() return null after returning from a dialogFragment [duplicate]

How can I possibly create DialogFragment from ListActivity on Android?

How to set selected Dialog values to TextViews in Fragment [duplicate]

Correct way to remove a DialogFragment: dismiss() or transaction.remove()?

DialogFragment with AppCompatDialog crashes if STYLE_NO_TITLE is set

Creating a DialogFragment - using onCreateDialog() or onCreateView()?

Inside a DialogFragment the RecyclerView item width shrink before scrolling

Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState show

Android dispatchKeyEvent not called when Dialog fragment is show

LeakCanary DialogFragment leak detection

DailogFragment - getArguments/setArguments - why passing arguments in a bundle?

DialogFragment crashes Activity when calling startActivity()

Correct way to make a custom material dialog with appCompat 23+

Fullscreen DialogFragment with translucent StatusBar