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New posts in android-build-type

Android Gradle: Install all build types on one device

Gradle-only solution to modify App name based on Build Variant

Error:Build-in class shrinker and multidex are not supported yet

Android: buildTypes applicationIdSuffix error

Android Gradle. How to combine Flavors with buildTypes

Android Studio 3 + Gradle 4.0 + shrinkResources + libraryProject = Unable to find a matching configuration in project

BuildConfig.DEBUG vs ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE

Gradle plugin 3.0.0 beta 4: "buildTypeMatching has been removed. Use buildTypes.<name>.fallbacks"

How to run android app in release not in debug?

Cannot install debug and release version on same device

How to use build types (debug vs release) to set different styles and app names?

Android wear project with 3 flavors, 3 buildTypes and 2 applicationIdSuffixes

Android Studio : How to remove/filter build variants for default debug and release buildTypes and keep only those using custom buildTypes?

How do I detect if I am in release or debug mode?