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New posts in android-beam

Bi-Directional Android Beam

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Making NFC/Beam more automatic

Is it possible to with one touch two Android devices exchange data via NFC?

Bluetooth OOB Handover via NFC without User Confirmation (or: how does Android Beam work)

Touch to Beam, the only way to send NFC (ICS)?

android nfc android-beam

How to beam a contact from you app (using NFC) and save it in contact list on receiving device?

Android Beam LLCP Protocol

android nfc android-beam

Sending URL from Android to Windows Phone via NFC gives Play Store link

How can my app find out which NFC mode is enabled?

Android Beam: launch application with MIME type record

Host card emulation on Android (4.4 / KitKat and above) with Nexus 5

Is it possible to use Android Beam between an android device and another NFC device?

android nfc android-beam

NFC tag detection is not calling onNewIntent and it's Launching From Main Activity

What's the difference between enableReaderMode and enableForegroundDispatch?