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New posts in android-architecture-navigation

Navigate without creating a new instance of Fragment - Navigation Component

Change Language while using Navigation Component API 24+

Use same fragment multiple times in navigation graph

Can not navigate while app is in background

Using Navigation Architecture Component with Navigation Drawer

Fragment has null arguments safeargs

Android Navigation Component Activity Intent Flags

Android Navigation Component Not Displaying Fragment

How to exit app on back press in a non start destination?

Navigation component crash on rotate

Unable to find NavController that's inside a DialogFragment

Deep linking from Notification - how to pass data back up through the backstack?

Simple navigation across navigation graphs with Android Navigation Architecture Component

Android: Navigation Component not working with both: <navigation> and NavigationItemSelectedListener

Drawer layout with navigation component - Listener on only one item

Android Jetpack Navigation System Transition

Android Navigation Component: How to add a destination programmatically?

How to use AndroidX Navigation Architecture Component programmatically in Kotlin without using xml?

Android Navigation component graph stop working properly when I use navController in LiveData observer

pop up to graph startDestination fragment for a global action - Android navigation components