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New posts in android-architecture-components

Android ViewModel recreated when its Host Activity was not in the top of Activity Stack and the device was rotated

Android : How to OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE but preserve one particular field

How to refresh data in Architecture Components ViewModel

Filter recycler view populated by view model's LiveData entries

Android Studio does't check/highlight Kotlin Room DAO queries when string occupies more than 1 row

Why is it that LoadParams.requestedLoadSize returns the specified page size to LivePagedListBuilder times 3?

Using Navigation Architecture Component with Navigation Drawer

How to implement Livedata and Databinding in Android?

Is there any need to use onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState when using Android Architecture Components LiveData & ViewModel?

How can LiveData in ViewModel observe the Livedata in Repository using Transformations?

Is there a way to use Android's LifecycleObserver to notify about onActivityResult?

How to exit app on back press in a non start destination?

Observable field usage with two way binding (Removing property change listener)

Deep linking from Notification - how to pass data back up through the backstack?

Room @Query error: Cannot find method parameters

Merging LiveData with different Object Contained

Periodic Work Request not executing doWork in Work Manager

Simple navigation across navigation graphs with Android Navigation Architecture Component

Saving Image path from gallery to Room Database and display it in Recycler list

Android WorkManager - CoroutineWorker: Overriding coroutineContext is deprecated