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New posts in android-architecture-components

MVVM pattern and startActivity

How to use shared element transitions in Navigation Controller

Android Room: Order By not working

How I can retrieve current fragment in NavHostFragment?

Asynchronous Worker in Android WorkManager

MediatorLiveData or switchMap transformation with multiple parameters

Navigation Preview unavailable in Android Studio 3.2 Preview

How can I represent a "many to many" relation with Android Room when column names are same?

Return type for Android Room joins

When should we use android.arch.lifecycle:compiler (or android.arch.lifecycle:common-java8)?

Navigation Architecture Component - Dialog Fragments

Unit testing Room and LiveData

Add (not replace) fragment with navigation architecture component

How to clear LiveData stored value?

Sharing data between fragments using new architecture component ViewModel

Paging library - Boundary callback for network + db with API taking page and size

New navigation component from arch with nested navigation graph

Navigation Architecture Component- Passing argument data to the startDestination

How to handle error states with LiveData?

BoundService + LiveData + ViewModel best practice in new Android recommended architecture