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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

Android M: Canvas strokeWidth and strokeStyle issue while drawing arcs

Android 6 get path to downloaded file

How to create wifi tethering Hotspot in Android Marshmallow?

Appcelerator Studio - Android app crashes on Marshmallow when I load a URL in video player

Android marshmallow listview scrolling gets blurry

What is the use case for ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission?

Marshmallow app permission revoke notification? [duplicate]

Binary XML file line #: Error inflating class fragment : Only on Android (6.0)-Marshmallow

Requesting Android M permissions from Activity with noHistory="true" and/or showOnLockScreen="true"

How to programatically tell when FINGERPRINT_ERROR_LOCKOUT has expired in the Android FIngerprintManager?

Migrating to runtime permissions: How do you find all the current permission uses?

DrawerLayout Stops working correctly after update to Android 6.0.1

How to find required Android Marshmallow runtime permissions in code?

Android 6 auto restore not initializing app

How to update android emulator to 6.0.1

What is the difference b/w onReceivedHttpError and onReceivedError for WebView Client