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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

SecurityException: not allowed to perform OP_READ_PHONE_STATE

Android 6.0 open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

Request runtime permissions from v4.Fragment and have callback go to Fragment?

onRequestPermissionsResult not being called in dialog fragment

How to check the multiple permission at single request in Android M?

How Do We Distinguish Never-Asked From Stop-Asking in Android M's Runtime Permissions?

Android FAB plus sign not present on android drawable

Permission from manifest doesn't work in Android 6

How to WhiteList app in Doze mode Android 6.0

Android M Camera Intent + permission bug?

Neither user 10102 nor current process has android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Android Marshmallow: Test permissions with Espresso?

Android M permission dialog not showing

How to use the legacy Apache HTTP client on Android Marshmallow?

Expand/Collapse Lollipop toolbar animation (Telegram app)

Android "Screen Overlay Detected" message if user is trying to grant a permission when a notification is showing

Method FloatMath.sqrt() not found

Can't get WRITE_SETTINGS permission

SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - How to get this permission automatically on Android 6.0 and targetSdkVersion 23

How to add Apache HTTP API (legacy) as compile-time dependency to build.grade for Android M?