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Can you access the windows registry from Adobe Air?

Adobe Air vs Flash Player 10.1 Runtime

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LoaderContext and ApplicationDomain changes with Adobe AIR?

AIR: Why is stage == null?

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Tesseract - change language file location

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The Difference Of Location Storage File in air

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List of Active Open Source Projects built by Adobe AIR/Flex [closed]

AIR AS3 file download is corrupted when bandwidth is low


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Using multiple SQLite databases at once

Get launch options without overriding didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

Get the height of the softkeyboard in Adobe AIR Mobile

Adobe AIR 3.1 Native Extension for Android - null extension context in actionscript

Adobe Air - Detect if connection is WIFI, 3G, or EDGE

AIR renderMode GPU vs renderMode direct

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Silverlight vs Adobe Air

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What's all this business about Flash, Flex, Adobe Air, Java FX and Silverlight?

Android SDK vs. Adobe AIR: Pros and cons?

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Decompiling Adobe AIR applications

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