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Silverlight vs Adobe Air

Now with Silverlight 3 (offline, out of browser stuff), what are the main differences between the two technologies?

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Artur Carvalho Avatar asked Mar 23 '09 14:03

Artur Carvalho

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2 Answers

There are some significant differences right now in the Beta, no idea if these will still be differences in the release version.

  1. There is no way to hide the window chrome in Silverlight OOB.
  2. No ability to create a notification tray icon.
  3. Air apps can be multi-window, Silverlight OOB cannot.
  4. Air apps have more access to the system, Silverlight apps are sandboxed.
  5. There are differences in the install and update procedures, not sure of al of the details.
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Bill Reiss Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Bill Reiss

AIR gives you access to the file system and a SQLite db. SL3 only lets you write to the file system with user interaction (a Save As dialog) and doesn't have any support for a DB in Isolated storage or on disk.

SLOOB runs in a sandbox still, so you're limited to the same cross-domain issues as a Silverlight app running in the browser.

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John Sheehan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

John Sheehan