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New posts in aggregate-functions

build JSON object with dynamic keys and json values

spark aggregation for array column

MySQL how to get avg of values into specific range

How to group multiple columns into a single array or similar?

How to compute a median in PrestoSQL?

Cumulative sum over days

mysql aggregate-functions

How to do fast counting on large tables?

Return null value as '0' in group by clause, postgresql

Find movies with highest number of awards in certain year - code duplication

Aggregate columns with additional (distinct) filters

Misuse of aggregate function MAX()

pandas how to create simple cross-tab without aggregation?

Select the row with maximum/minimum value in SQLite

Select with IF statement on postgresql

SQL query to get group by and distinct values at the same time

SQL Server tough Query

Bound activerecords-queries using aggregate funcs (sum, avg,...) with limit

How do you calculate a boolean aggregate over a column in BigQuery?

Pandas group by custom function

Aggregate over column arrays in DataFrame in PySpark?