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New posts in affix

Bootstrap 3 affix navbar becomes transparent and unclickable when scrolling and overlapping content

Attach and detach affixed headers with Twitter Bootstrap

data-offset-bottom in Bootstrap3 Affix

Alternative to Bootstrap Affix

Twitter Bootstrap: Affix not triggering in single page application

Twitter-bootstrap 3 affixed sidebar overlapping content when window resized and also footer

Fixed position delayed on IOS

Wordpress: How to add Attribute to body

wordpress scrollspy affix

.dic line format definition

Bootstrap: Stop affix when reaching end of certain div

Bootstrap affix stop working after scroll to bottom of the page

Overflow of sidebar with Twitter Bootstrap Affix [closed]

Twitter Bootstrap affix events not firing

Bootstrap 3 using affix to fixing navbar position to top when scrolling

Bootstrap affix not working with bootstrap class

Twitter Bootstrap Affixed Navbar - div below jumps up

Affix is not working in Bootstrap 4 (alpha)

Bootstrap affix not keeping the column layout

Twitter bootstrap 3: Navbar changes width when affix fires

Bootstrap data-spy="affix" not working on Angular View change