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Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server?

best way to split up a long file. Programming or SQL?

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why I get OracleTruncateException with ODP.NET OracleDataAdapter but not with System.Data.OracleClient's adapter when DbDataAdapter.Update called?

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Is it possible to modify an MS Access database schema using ADO.NET?

How does a TransactionScope implementation work? What database support is required?

Removing navigation properties from POCO-classes in Entity Framwork

What can cause SqlClient to reuse invalid connections?

Changing XML data source of Crystal Report

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Filling DataTable from DataAdapter - the wrong column is selected as primary key

SQL Server Performance in ADO.NET vs SSMS

Crash filling data adapter

Will reassigning datasource cause a memory leak if listeners are not removed first?

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The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized

How can I view the number of pooled ADO.NET database connections in an Azure App Service?

Trying to detach attach database - can not acces db after

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Specification of Extended Properties in OleDb connection string?

Best Way to Insert Multiple Rows (ADO.NET)

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Assembly load error for 64 bit .NET Informix ADO.NET provider

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Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider - SQLite

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