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Is it possible to modify an MS Access database schema using ADO.NET?

I need to modify the schema of an MS Acess database (.mdb) via code.

Since the Jet Engine DDL statements (ALTER TABLE, etc.) are quite poorly documented, I'd prefer to use some kind of object library like DAO (myDatabase.TableDefs("myTable").Fields.Append(myNewField)) or ADOX (myCatalog.Tables("myTable").Columns.Append(myNewField)) or SMO (which is only available for SQL Server, syntax similar - you get the idea).

Is there something similar like ADOX for ADO.NET or am I stuck with using DDL statements or referencing the old DAO/ADOX libraries?

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Heinzi Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 11:11


1 Answers

I have had decent success with straight ddl statements. Your right the syntax requires a smidge of googling to tease out but I have been handling updates to a local db this way for a while. Is there a specific update you are having issues with? Basically I wrote a few helper functions to check the structure of a table and append fields if needed.

public bool doesFieldExist(string table, string field)
        bool ret = false;
            if (!openRouteCon())
                throw new Exception("Could not open Route DB");
            DataTable tb = new DataTable();
            string sql = "select top 1 * from " + table;
            OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, routedbcon);
            if (tb.Columns.IndexOf(field) > -1)
                ret = true;


        catch (Exception ex)
            log.Debug("Check for field:" + table + "." + field + ex.Message);

        return ret;

    public bool checkAndAddColumn(string t, string f, string typ, string def = null)

        // Update RouteMeta if needed.
        if (!doesFieldExist(t, f))
            string sql;
            if (def == null)
                sql = String.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN {1} {2} ", t, f, typ);
                sql = String.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN {1} {2} DEFAULT {3} ", t, f, typ, def);
                if (openRouteCon())
                    OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, routedbcon);
                    string msg = "Modified :" + t + " added col " + f;
                    if (def != null)
                            cmd.CommandText = String.Format("update {0} set {1} = {2}", t, f, def);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            log.Error("Could not update column to new default" + t + "-" + f + "-" + e.Message);

                    return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Could not alter RouteDB:" + t + " adding col " + f + "-" + ex.Message);

            return true;

        return false;
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Rich Dominelli Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Rich Dominelli