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New posts in active-directory

How to get domain alias using System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain class

Using DirectoryServices.AccountManagement, how do I get the e-mail address of an active directory security group?

LDAP filter by CN name, starts with

active-directory ldap

How can I formulate an ldap query looking for the absence of an attribute

active-directory ldap

Is it possible to retrieve data from Active Directory by impersonating a Windows authenticated user in ASP.NET?

Error 533 in Active Directory LDAP


Accessing Active Directory Records Via ASP.NET

"The specified network password is not correct." exception when changing a users password

django-auth-ldap failed authentication

Why doesn't $PSItem behave as expected when using a bracket-based -Filter argument?

Windows / Active Directory - User / Groups

Acquiring AD OU list

Using a Windows Account SID as a Security Token

LDAP query not work for group Domain Users


Developing with(out) Active Directory

c# active-directory

Determine User Active Directory Groups from Local Machine off Network

Graph API get users from Azure AD

c# json azure active-directory

WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole and universal vs. global active directory groups

How do I query ActiveDirectory using LDAP with a username, not a CN?

.net active-directory ldap

Setting up Apache and Subversion to use LDAP (Windows Active Directory) group authentication