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New posts in activator

Dynamically create an array and set the elements

How to pass object[] to Activator.CreateInstance(type, params object[])

c# .net activator

Activator.CreateInstance creates value of type T instead of Nullable<T>

c# activator

Why is Activator.CreateInstance<T>() allowed without the new() generic type constraint?

Set property Nullable<> by reflection

Activator and static classes

c# reflection static activator

Given "where T : new()", does "new T()" use Activator.CreateInstance internally?

Can I use Activator.CreateInstance with an Interface?

.NET: Unable to cast object to interface it implements

Does System.Activator.CreateInstance(T) have performance issues big enough to discourage us from using it casually?

How do i use Activator.CreateInstance with strings?

c# .net reflection activator

Fast creation of objects instead of Activator.CreateInstance(type)

How to use Activator to create an instance of a generic Type and casting it back to that type?

C# Using Activator.CreateInstance

c# reflection activator

How to dynamically create generic C# object using reflection? [duplicate]